Thursday, January 22, 2004

Di bawah nol derajat

Saya merasa musim dingin kali ini tak begitu dingin. Ada enaknya juga. Paling tidak saya tak perlu bertebal ria ketika di luar rumah. Oops, nanti dulu. "Cold spells set to hit next week", bunyi salah satu laporan koran sore London, Evening Standard.

Saya melanjutkan membaca laporan tersebut. "Britain is set to shiver next week, with temperatures plunging to minus 14 degrees centigrade. It could be the start of one of the coldest winters for years as almost the whole country will experience sub-zero conditions for a few days.

Tahun lalu, ketika tinggal di Barking Road, saya merasakan hawa yang sangat dingin. Ketika itu akhir Desember-awal Januari. Meski heater pada posisi maksimum, hawa dingin masih terasa sampai ke tulang. Saya masih ingat, Rani meringkuk dengan sleeping bag di sofa di ruang tamu. Itulah musim dingin terparah dalam pengalaman saya.

"There could be heavy snowfall and icy roads as cold air arrives from Canada, where the temperature is around -40c. There are likely to be daytime temperatures of minus seven or eight in the North early in the week then slightly warmer ones of minus two or three in the South by midweek."

Oh, dear. Sepertinya persediaan di lemari es harus diperbanyak. Andai saja ada abang bakso dan tukang mie ayam keliling di saat-saat seperti ini...

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